Your Impact | 2024 | Partners Relief & Development

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Serious love in action.


The number of children experiencing the effects of war may have reached new highs, but so did your resolve.

With a record-breaking number of families displaced by war—especially in countries where we are deeply invested, like Myanmar—it would be easy to let the scale of people in need instill hopelessness and fatigue. But not for people like you.

Instead, you once again rolled up your sleeves with us, determined not to let conflict and oppression have the final say in the lives of thousands of children in the communities where you are present. Make no mistake—today, children are in school, well-fed, and in good health because you chose to respond with kindness and generosity. Helping kids live their lives to the fullest is what we continue to work toward and celebrate together as we see it become a reality.

As you watch the stories, see the numbers, and read the quotes from those touched by your love in action, we hope you feel the same joy we do in witnessing the tangible, meaningful impact you’ve made. We’re grateful that you continue to stand with us, doing whatever it takes to reach kids affected by conflict and oppression.

635Kpeopled helped.

At a glance.

We’re more about people than numbers, but these ones tell a powerful story—proof that a small group of committed people can create an impact far greater than their size. Your generosity has multiplied, changing the lives of countless children in ways that go beyond what any of us could do alone.


children were supported through a range of education initiatives designed to see them reach their full potential despite the effects of war.


people received some form of healthcare assistance in locations where access to health services is limited or non-existent.


people in crisis experienced support through the delivery of emergency relief supplies like food and shelter.


people benefited from community-strengthening initiatives that emphasize their ability to find solutions to long-term challenges from within.


people experienced improved livelihoods through training in income generation and life skills, along with sustainable farming practices.

Go deeper.

Your impact took different forms for different people in different places, because it’s the communities you walked alongside who told us exactly what they needed. This is what your partnership with them made possible.

137,250 kilograms of rice were provided to communities struggling with food shortages due to the effects of the civil war in Myanmar.
“For many families, affording enough food has become nearly impossible. The rice distribution is a crucial intervention. For my family, the additional rice has provided some relief from the severe food shortages we have been facing.” - Mohammed, Rakhine State, Myanmar.
A child sits on a bag of rice at a distribution of food to displaced villagers in Karen State, Myanmar.
282 heaters were provided to displaced families facing freezing weather in makeshift shelters in Northeast Syria.
“We only have a chance now to get food from Partners. We never had a chance to get food before.” - Kyaw Myint, Karen State, Myanmar.
40 houses were constructed to provide shelter for Rohingya families living in refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.
“The Partners team distributed food every day to families in the northern Gaza strip as part of a month-long project…These families lost everything they used to own in one day. Thank you so much for this life saving project.” - A local relief partner, Gaza
401 Rohingya students attended schools in Myanmar and Bangladesh supported by Partners.
Local contractors were employed to refurbish Shouti School in Qamishli, Northeast Syria.
3 schools refurbished in the Middle East.
“I particularly benefited from the life skills sessions, which helped me cope with my stress and improve my mental well-being. My true passion lies in hairdressing, and I hope that one day, I will be able to open my own salon.” - Rawdha, EmpowerMe Participant
100 women participated in EmpowerMe trainings focused on life skills, financial literacy and entrepreneurship in Iraq.
4,753 Karen students received education assistance through multiple projects in Thailand and Myanmar.
“I was born in Southern Shan State, Myanmar. Many children in our village don’t have a chance to go to school. I started the GED program in 2024 and want to attend university after I complete it.” - James, SEED student, Chiang Mai.
“In our community, most of the people who are teachers and leaders are not really qualified, so I would like to fulfill those roles, and I would like to be a qualified teacher that can guide my community.” - Karen GED Student, Thailand.
710 children attended classes at Phoenix Learning Centre in Iraq.
“I’ve noticed a real improvement in my daughter Helen here at Phoenix Learning Center. She has developed so much, thanks to the efforts of the teachers.” - Helen’s mother, Iraq.
1,200 children were provided infant nutrition packs after being assessed by Rohingya Community Health Workers.
Rohingya Community Health Workers provided free health checks to 5,472 patients in refugee camps near Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.
7 rural clinics fully funded in Myanmar.
22,840 patients received treatment across 7 rural clinics in Karen State, Myanmar.
“The Shan Healthcare Training program has changed me significantly, providing me with basic knowledge and skills in healthcare, even though I lacked experience. I plan to return to Shan State to take on my responsibilities as a medic in the healthcare system.” - Zai Tun Harn, Shan State, Myanmar
4,500 people were provided access to Village Health Workers who delivered basic health services and education in Karen State, Myanmar.
“Our children have grown healthier since the Village Health Worker program started. None of the children have worms; you would not see a baby with a big belly or diarrhea among our children.” - Saw Hser Nay Moo, Karen State, Myanmar.
“Initially the children tended to resort to violence to communicate. Now they are starting to engage in discussion and laughter with each other, and this had a significant impact on the activities we’re providing to the children.” - Local partner, Al-Hol camp, Syria.
52,209 people were directly assisted through a child friendly space and 24/7 clinic in Al-Hol camp, Syria.
A celebration party for some of the 113 children who participated in a trauma care program for kids who suffered the negative impacts of genocide and displacement in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
119 women attended sewing trainings, increasing their capacity to support themselves and their families.
39 people received training in sustainable farming practices amidst ongoing conflict in Karen State, Myanmar.
“We learnt a lot by working on this water project systematically. Now everyone has access to clean water and is happy. Thank you.” - Labya Tang Gun, volunteer water monitor.
Our team continued to support the local management committee overseeing a water project, completed in 2022, that supplies 742 villagers with fresh water in Kachin State, Myanmar.
61 community-owned businesses' profits are supporting local school students and teachers.
“I am very thankful for the capital funds for our village to support education. The children will have more opportunities to study and help to develop our community.” - Zai Aung Merng, Shan State, Myanmar.

Inspired to help us reach even more in 2025?

Join Neighbor, our monthly giving community, and fuel relief and development initiatives that help communities ripped apart by war rebuild a nurturing environment for their children to thrive.