Leave a Legacy of Love | Partners Relief & Development

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The Rose Collectivr

Leave a legacy of love.

Named in honor of Rose Mu, who’s sacrificial love became the inspiration behind the founding of Partners, The Rose Collective is a powerful community of givers who ensure that free, full lives for children in areas of conflict is a critical part of their legacy.

When Rose Mu left her life in Yangon to establish a home for refugee children orphaned by Myanmar’s civil war, her selfless act ignited a movement of love and support for children affected by conflict and oppression that continues to this day. By joining The Rose Collective with your planned giving, you are helping ensure her legacy continues on through Partners work with children in war zones.

Ways you can give with lasting impact.

Charitable Bequest

You may name Partners Relief & Development as the beneficiary of your assets such as real estate, stocks, or mutual funds by will or trust. These gifts allow you to receive an estate tax charitable deduction while also reducing the burden of taxes on your family.

Beneficiary Designation

Designating Partners Relief & Development as the beneficiary of your retirement plan, life insurance policy, or annuities will help provide long-term sustainable development to communities impacted by conflict and oppression.

IRA Charitable Rollover

For those age 70.5 or older, you have the opportunity to give up to $100,000 per year from your IRA. This gift would allow you to lower your taxable income, while potentially satisfying your required minimum distributions should you be subject to these requirements.

Donor Advised Funds

Make a lasting gift with impacts both now and in the future. With a charitable Donor Advised Fund, you can invest, grow, and give to maximize your impact through Partners mission.

Give with confidence.

Charity Navigator, the country’s trusted independent charity evaluator, has awarded Partners Relief & Development a 4-star rating for outstanding fiscal management, leadership & adaptability.


It is the general policy of Partners Relief & Development that all gifts shall be presumed to be for all charitable purposes (i.e. unrestricted) unless there is an explicit restriction. This allows the organization to apply the funds to the most pressing needs at the time of funding.

The information found on this page is intended for informational purposes only. We recommend consulting with a trusted financial or legal advisor before making decisions involving your legacy giving.

Donations of real estate must be reviewed by the Vice President of Finance prior to acceptance. Please contact Maureen Beighey at maureen.beighey@partners.ngo regarding gifts of real estate.

There may be some cases where a program is canceled for reasons out of our control, or that a program may be over supported. In such an instance, Partners Relief & Development reserves the right to transfer funds to another program need which may be under supported. Please be assured that we will do everything we can to ensure your donation is used with integrity and, in as much as possible, as you designate.

Contact us with your questions.

Our team would love to assist you with your giving plans. Use the form to submit your enquiry or email us at info@partners.ngo.

“As someone who intimately understands at least a few aspects of what your job is probably like, thank you. You’re doing amazing, and I’m proud to be a very small part of what your organization is doing.”

Miranda Kuykendall (Supporter), Dallas TX