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When you join Partners, your gift is invested in all aspects of our projects, which empower children in poverty and hardship to live free, full lives.

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Dive Deeper

Ready to immerse yourself and learn even more?

We get it. You’re the kind of person who wants to know the nitty gritty details of how things work. So we’ve gathered these resources for you to engage with our work even further.

Check out our 1-minute explainers.

Who are the Rohingya?
Who are the Karen?
What is a CHW?

Ever wondered what a community health worker does? Don’t know who the Rohingya are? We’ve got you covered with these short explainer videos.

Watch ‘For Sama’.

This powerful, award-winning documentary will take you right into the heart of Syria’s civil war and right into the life of a new mother trying to raise her child in a war zone.

Any more questions?

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