Over a million Rohingya are still suffering extreme hardship. | Partners Relief & Development

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Myanmar + Bangladesh

Attacks against the Rohingya in Myanmar are escalating.

You can help fuel our ongoing response providing emergency relief and establishing access to healthcare and education for refugees in Bangladesh and displaced families who are suffering extreme persecution in Myanmar.

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The Situation

The Rohingya remain one of the most persecuted minorities in the world.

The stateless Muslim minority group have been subjected to grave human rights abuses by Myanmar authorities for decades. Around 148,000 live in internally displaced persons camps in Rakhine State with no freedom of movement or access to food, water, sanitation, healthcare and education. Violence in September 2017 forced an additional 890,000 to flee to Bangladesh, leaving them in an extremely vulnerable state. Persecution is once again on the increase in Myanmar and more families are trying to flee.


Rohingya refugees remain in Bangladesh.


Of these refugees are children.


Rohingya are still displaced in Myanmar.

How you can help

Support our ongoing relief and development initatives.

We’ve been working alongside the Rohingya since 2012. Over that time and to this day, our team have been responding to the ongoing critical needs of displaced and oppressed Rohingya communities, as well as empowering them through sustainable health and education initiatives.


Enable a Rohingya child to go to a Partners-supported school, where they’ll also receive a daily lunch, for a month.


Provide shelter from the weather for Rohingya families living in refugee camps and internment camps.


Deliver a month’s supply of rice to a displaced Rohingya family who have limited access to food.


Supply trained Rohingya community health workers with medicine to treat 10 sick people.

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*These are representative of the type of relief items we deliver, which may vary due to the specific needs of a particular displaced community.

Your Impact


That’s how many Rohingya your love directly helped in Myanmar and Bangladesh last year, continuing to remind them that they haven’t been forgotten.
rice icon
244,450kg Delivered


Because kids shouldn’t go hungry, you provided regular rice deliveries.

sanitation icon
34 Installations

Sanitation Solutions

You constructed water well and 33 toilets to keep communities healthy.

healthcare icon
6,620 Treated


You supported Community Health Workers who delivered healthcare to thousands.

shelter icon
3,427 Helped


You provided tarps and rebuilt shelters to keep vulnerable families protected.

education icon
662 Educated


Your support provided teacher salaries and gave kids the chance to go to school.

infant nutrition icon
1,800 Distributed

Nutrition Packs

You ensured vulnerable infants received nutrient rich food to prevent malnutrition.

Remind them they haven’t been forgotten.

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