Stand with kids caught in the middle of war in Myanmar. | Partners Relief & Development

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Stand with kids caught in the middle of war.

Myanmar is in the middle of a destructive civil war right now. Stand with those forced to flee by bringing life-saving emergency relief supplies into the hard to reach places.

Three million displaced.

“We had to flee and leave everything behind. Everything is difficult. We must live in hardship.”

Fighting and fear are escalating across Myanmar. The number of people displaced by the war has risen by 50% in the past 6 months to more than 3 million people. People like Naw Es Ther Htoo and her family.

Our team recently met with her deep inside Karen State. When asked what problems she was facing, she painted a bleak picture.

“There is a shortage of food because we can not earn a living. Health problems. Education problems. We hope for a day when we won’t need to keep escaping; when the Myanmar military won’t keep coming and dropping bombs, and when they no longer attack us with airstrikes, so that we won’t have to run away anymore.”

Families like Naw Es Ther Htoo’s, in the hard-to-reach communities inside Karen State and across other conflict-affected areas of Myanmar, need you to stand in the middle with them.

How can you help?

Stand with them in the middle.

Until stability comes, food, tarps, mosquito nets, and medicine will continue to mean a chance for survival for fleeing children and families. Your gift today will make these items available to families impacted by the conflict

Mosquito Nets

Supply ten mosquito nets to protect families hiding in the jungle from disease.


Distribute medicine to treat 10 people in remote areas experiencing sickness.


Deliver enough rice to feed five families on the run for a whole month.


Provide tarps for ten families to shelter under during the rainy season.

Please join us.

Deliver relief into the middle of where it’s needed most.

With countless people in hiding or on the run in remote areas of Myanmar, the needs are great. Please give today so we can meet more families caught in the middle of a conflict they didn’t start.